Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Betapa Pentingnya Bahasa

Dari 700 Reasons for Studying Languages oleh Angela Gallagher-Brett:
Language learning is enjoyable
Language learners believe that languages promote
better relationships with others (individuals and
Instruction in a foreign language can have a direct effect on the development of cognitive processes (Swarbrick, 2002: 14)
A language expands your range of thinking (sixth former)
Language training has an aesthetic and artistic value (Leathes Report, 1918; cited in Byram, 1997: 52)
Plurilingualism enhances creativity (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2002: 14)
International and foreign language education is a break with the focus on our own society in order to find new perspectives which allow us to be
critical of our assumptions (Byram, 2002: 47)
The assumption is that increased foreign trade, closer European links, the effects of globalisation and even the war on terrorism will increase the
demand for skilled linguists in an increasing range of languages (Connell, 2002: 3)
Languages are a lifelong skill - to be used in business and for pleasure, to open up avenues of communication and exploration, and to promote,encourage and instil a broader cultural understanding (DfES, 2002: 5)

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